Hochpräzise Lösungen für zuverlässige wissenschaftliche Experimente

Wissenschaftliche Experimente, gerade diejenigen mit hochenergetischer Strahlung an Beamlines, haben ihre ganz eigenen, individuellen Anforderungen. Allen gemeinsam ist jedoch der Bedarf an hochpräziser Instrumentierung. Bei PI erarbeiten erfahrene Ingenieure gemeinsam mit Wissenschaftlern die beste, womöglich einzigartige Lösung für wiederholbare Ergebnisse. Die Beamline Instrumentation bietet optimale Motion Control und Positionierlösungen für Aufgaben in der Strahlaufbereitung, der Optik, Probenmanipulation und Detektorpositionierung, ob einzelne Komponenten gefragt sind oder die komplette Ausrüstung einer Experimentierhütte. Beamline Instrumentation ist der verlässliche Partner vom Design über den Aufbau, die Qualifizierung bis hin zur Inbetriebnahme vor Ort.


Sample Positioning in Cryogenic Environment
Cryo Sample Positioning with SpaceFAB
Sample positioning in high‐vacuum cryogenic environment needs instruments which operate at temperatures of ‐50 °C in a high‐vacuum chamber.
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Full Instrumentation for X-Ray Nanotomography
Nanotomography sample positioning
At the X-ray light source PETRA III at the DESY research center in Hamburg operates the Imaging Beamline P05.
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Positioning for Laminography
Positioning for Laminography
High-precision spatial positioning for synchrotron laminography allows high-resolution 3D imaging on large flat, extended objects.
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Compact Linear Translation Stage Positions X-Ray Detectors
Compact Linear Translation Stage Positions X-Ray Detectors
For positioning the x-ray detectors, PI developed a compact linear translation stage that features a guiding and two separate moving plates.
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Positioning the Vacuum Chamber for X-ray Diffraction Experiments
Positioning the vacuum chamber for x-ray diffraction experiments.
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Sample Manipulators in High-Vacuum
SURFACE Sample Manipulator
Investigation of the structural properties of thin films under high-vacuum conditions.
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Long-Term Positioning
For the task of long-term positioning a high accuracy of motion is demanded as well as the stability over long terms in a vacuum environment.
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Monochromator for an X-Ray Spectrometer
PI Design Double Monochromator ID18
The PI Beamline Instrumentation division’s aim is to develop application oriented solutions, e.g., this monochromator for an X-ray spectrometer.
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X-Ray Optics Hutch Instrumentation
At DESY in Hamburg, the P05 Imaging Beamline is operated by the HZG.
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Slit Control in the Photon Delivery System
XZ positioning systems control x-xay slits at the the Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Shanghai (SSRF).
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Beam Preparation in a Gamma Ray Environment
system for beam preparation
For alignment systems for optical components in such a hostile environment PI designed, built and qualified a parallel kinematic machine with six degrees of freedom (DOF) within 30 weeks only.
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X-Ray Holography & Tomography Endstation
X-Ray Holography and Tomography Endstation
Sample positioning setup inside tomography and holography endstations.
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At Diamond Light Source, UK, beamline I07 is a high-resolution X-ray diffraction beamline dedicated to investigate the structure of surfaces and interfaces.
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X-Ray Tomography Stage for Cryogenic Samples
The setup of the x-ray tomography stage, located at the P06 beamline of PETRA III at DESY (Germany) allows to investigate samples that require both cooling and vacuum environment.
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High-Load Parallel Kinematics for Materials Research
Hochlast-Parallelkinematik für die Materialforschung
The high-energy X-rays at beamlines provide numerous possibilities for materials research, such as checking welding seams of workpieces.
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X-Ray Scanning Microscope with Unrivalled Resolution
The Hard X-ray Micro/Nano-Probe beamline P06 at PETRA III provides advanced visualisation with micro/nanoscopic spatial resolution using different X-ray techniques.
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PICMA® Multilayer Piezo Actuators Improve Efficiency in the Particle Accelerator XFEL
PICMA® Multilayer Piezo Actuators Improve Efficiency in the Particle Accelerator XFEL
Dynamic compensation of Lorentz forces at the XFEL accelerator structures: The particle accelerator XFEL at the DESY (German Electron Synchrotron) uses acceleration technology based on super-conducting acceleration structures, so-called resonators or cavities.
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